Friday, March 7 is the 66th day of 2025.
There are 299 days until the end of the year, and the day's zodiac sign is Pisces.
March: Famous People, Events and Dates in History
The word March comes from Mars, the Roman god of war. Originally, March was the name of the first month in the old Roman calendar. But March is now the third month in the Gregorian calendar. The 1st of the month marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, with spring running from March 1 to the end of May.
However, March marks the start of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. March 20 or 21 marks the solar equinox when the sun appears directly above the equator and both day and night are of equal length.
This Month's Historical Events
1st March 1936: The Hoover Dam was completed, with all features finished after 5 years of construction. Construction of the dam started in 1931 and was planned to last 7 years.However, it was finished 2 years ahead of schedule. The massive dam was built to generate electricity, provide water for irrigation and domestic use, and to control flooding of the Colorado River.
2nd March 1836: Texas was officially declared as a free and independent republic from Mexico. This was during the Texas Revolution (War of Texas Independence), a rebellion that lasted from October 2, 1835 to April 21, 1836 and which was led by Texas colonists from the United States and Hispanic Texans also known as Tejanos.2nd March 1956: Morocco gained independence from France. The North African country had been under French colonial rule from 1912 when the Treaty of Fes was signed, to 1956. The country was, during that colonial period, known as The French protectorate in Morocco or French Morocco. 21st March 1960: The Sharpeville massacre occurred in South Africa. On that day, police opened fire on a crowd of black residents of Sharpeville, a black township, and killed over 200 people.These black South Africans were demonstrating against apartheid, the system of racial discrimination that targeted blacks in the black-majority nation.
19th March 1972: India and Bangladesh signed the India-Bangladesh Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Peace. The treaty enabled the two countries to have close bilateral relations and was to last for 25 years.It was signed in Bangladesh between the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the founding leader of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Bangabandhu).
Popular and Young Celeb Birthdays

Famous People who were Born in March
The following are some of the famous people who were born in March.
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